Welcome to Eagle Touch The Clouds
A global project to bring Native American sections to public libraries world wide.
A global project to bring Native American sections to public libraries world wide.
Thank you to each and everyone of the people and businesses listed below. Your donations have helped make this website and other things possible.
* Jennifer Coats
* Johnnie Tate
* Dennis Butolph, Jr.
* Frank Busch
* Jackie and Bryan Shein
To donate please go to www.gofundme.com/eagletouchtheclouds
This is a personal project of Shawn M. Reynolds, Jr. and NOT a charity or a 501c3. All donations are NOT a tax write off.
To find out more about Shawn please visit his website www.shawnmreynoldsjr.com Thank You.
Copyright © 2011-2022 Eagle Touch The Clouds - All Rights Reserved.